Михаил Михайлович Ипполитов-Иванов
Яндекс цитирования Андрей Рудометкин предствляет: "Фагот+". Концерты классической музыки в Москве. Джазовая музыка. Rambler's Top100
Classical period


Piano quartet KV 478 g-moll


Piano quartet KV 493 Es-dur

L.van Beethoven

Tree early quartetes Wo 0 36 №1 Es-dur, №2 D-dur, №3 C-dur

L.van Beethoven

Piano quartet Op.16 Es-dur

Louis Ferdinand von PreuBen

Piano quartet Op.6 f-moll

Romantic and Modern period


Adagio and Rondo (1816)


R. Schumann

Piano quartet Op.47 Es-dur

F. Mendelssohn

Piano quartet №2, Ор.2, As-dur

G. Mahler

Piano quartet

R. Strauss

Piano quartet Op.13 c-moll

J. Suk

Piano quartet Op.1 A-dur

B. Martinu

First piano quartet (1942)


Piano quartet

V. Panin

For voice and piano quartet (to Ippolitov – Ivanov Piano quartet)

F. Sofronow

«Funt Stimmungsbilder» («Five pictorial spirits»)(to Ippolitov – Ivanov Piano quartet)

A. Malcys

Blackthorn Eyes

Russian music

D. Bortniansky

Piano quartet with harp

M. Ippolitov – Ivanov

Piano quartet Op.9 As-dur

A. Rubinstein

Piano quartet Op.66 C-dur

S. Taneev

Piano quartet Op.20 E-dur

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Dear friends! We are glad to inform you, that our first disk is written down! More...

2-5 of December 2006. Thessaloniki, Greece. 1st Prize laureate of the 16th International Chamber music Competition. More...

1-6 of February 2007. The recording of Compact-Disc. Soundmaster: P.Kondrashin

  New programmer! «Piano quartet plus one». Programme of the concert: D. Bortniansky, V. Panin, F. Shubert.
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